MyPads consist of an outer case, including the wings, with studs that clip together under the gusset of your underpants. Our reusable cloth pads come in cotton and/ or hemp fleece fabrics.
Removable towel inserts (hemp fleece), folded and placed in the outer case, allow you to tailor the pad to suit the amount of flow you are managing at the time. The towel determines the absorbency of the complete pad ie. Light, Medium or Heavy.
Pad dimensions
Our reusable Cotton Pads and Hemp Fleece pads in Light, Medium and Heavy sizes are 2205mm long and 605mm wide.
The thickness measurements depend on the size of towel insert you choose.
- A Light towel, folded once in half and inserted in our standard outer case makes a Light pad, approximately 5mm thick
- Medium towel inserts are folded to create 3 layers of fabric to make a Medium pad, around 7mm thick
- Heavy towel inserts are folded in half twice to create 4 layers of absorbent fabric, hence a pad approximately 10mm thick for heavy flow
- The XL towel insert is longer and only fits in XL/Super size outer cases measuring 2600mm long and 710mm wide. Folded twice to create 4 layers of absorbent fabric, an XL pad is approximately 10mm thick
- Our women’s Night Pad is 3650mm long and made up of 8 luxurious layers of hemp fleece to see you through the night. This fully washable and reusable cloth pad is approximately 18mm thick.
ManPad dimensions
The ManPad has been shaped with feedback from our customers to best manage male urinary incontinence. The pad is approximately 26.5cm long and 19cm at it’s widest point, tapering down to 8cm width where the pad sits in the gusset of your underwear. The ManPad is 4mm in thickness.
If you have any questions, please contact us to discuss your needs. We’ll help you choose the pads to suit as closely as possible your individual needs.